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Every Moment is a Memory

JEMS that bring
Glory to God!


Throughout history, in every civilization gemstones have been highly sought after. The Bible makes numerous references to jewels and precious stones. Revelation 21:11 describes having the Glory of God, and her light was like unto stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal: verse 19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. Jasper symbolizes brilliance and light, Amber symbolizes the presence and glory of GOD in judgment, purification and sanctification. Pearls symbolize God’s truth and God’s people formed through suffering, to endure a costly experience.


Jems of Judah was birthed out of the pain and praise of releasing my father, Jesse to the King. Although the actual spelling of Gems appears incorrect, it is deliberated to honor God for my father's memory.


Each design is uniquely crafted with semi-precious stones and variances to remind women of all age, race, creed, and color how precious of a time piece we are. Our price is far above rubies, we are a royal priesthood, and in our heart is the law of kindness.


Be kind to yourself, celebrate yourself, and adorn yourself with “Jems from Judah.  JEMS that bring Glory and Honor to GOD!!!




Sharon L. Juhans

President & CEO


Jems of Judah

Tel: 202.716.5918

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